Thursday, 21 May 2015

Top clothing brands in India

Indian apparel industry is growing at a rapid pace due to the expansion of the services and organized retailing industry, in which the malls act as a catalyst. Clothing expresses taste, status and style of an individual which is why more and more people are becoming brand conscious these days. They are spending more money to buy their favorite brands. There are many top clothing brands in India such as Calvin Klein, Levi’s, Allen Solly, Gucci, Pepe Jeans, Dolce & Gabbana, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas the list is endless. After FMCG, the apparel segment enjoys the second biggest consumption at malls. With the increase in demand, there are many other international brands that have entered into the Indian market and are giving a cut throat competition to the Indian brands.

Calvin Klein jeans in India features everything

1. Calvin Klein offers the most sophisticated apparel when it comes to brands. One should consider wearing Calvin Klein jeans when going casual.

2. It offers the most comfortable jeans that can be worn on any occasion whether going to a night club or to a park.

3. Calvin Klein offers jeans for both men and women that are available at any store.

4. Calvin Klein jeans in India offer a cool new collection that features comfort and stylish look at the same time.

5. For those who aren’t that concerned with fashion Calvin Klein jeans can give a stylish look when pairing the jeans with a jacket.

It is the most selling brand in India and holds a major part of the apparel industry segment. The brand offers wide range products such as jeans, pants, shirts, jackets, etc. This is why; it has a distinct image among the youth of the country and has a strong presence too.

Growing International brands in India

1. There are many international brands that have entered the Indian market due to the rise in income level, flexible investment and liberal trade policies.

2. Most of the international brands in India have found a way to get to the shopping malls and become a favorite.

3. Some of the famous brands are Mango, Calvin Klein, Armani, Roberto Cavalli and so on.

4. The international fashion brands have continued to enter India even when there is a downturn of economy.

It is said that these international brands will move to a full-fledged industry in few years. The fashion world is flooding with Indian and international brands out of which some cater to the premium SEC and some to the general customers. Moreover, these apparels enhance the personality and make one feel confident. There are designer clothes from fashion designers such as Mark Spencer, Peter England, etc. Even though these brands are expensive but buyers are not bothered of the price as long as they are riding high on quality.

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